A strong relationship requires work and commitment on behalf of both parties involved. Even if you feel that you’re born for each other, you’ll get into arguments, and you’ll have to overcome challenges. In the absence of a proactive approach, the bond between the two of you will soon be weakened. Strengthening your relationship will necessitate a bit of everyday work. To ensure long-term harmony and stability, you may want to keep the following rules…
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a personalized roadmap of all the areas of self-improvement for your personal growth journey? Unfortunately, the commitment to bettering yourself doesn’t come with an instruction guide. However, there are 7 distinct areas of personal development that you can focus on working…
The past is a nice place to visit, but not a good place to stay. Past memories are a certain reflection of where we come from. Our minds are always running in a loop. This loop runs through the past, present, and future. Sometimes our memories of the…
Being kind is different than being nice. Most of us are nice most of the time. Being nice is something we are taught to us from the time we are little kids: Be nice to your Sister. Share your toys. Help your mother with the dishes. It’s nice to…
Modern life can be tough – there’s no doubt about that. The pressures of modern life, from social pressures to economic pressures, can make it hard for us to sustain self-happiness over a long period of time. If you want to get over that issue, however, it pays…
When looking to live a more fulfilling life, one of the key things is helping others. But, do you know why it will help you have a better, more rewarding life? How does it help with making life more engaging and fun? Well, read on to find out.…
This time of year, just when it seems impossible to fit one more thing in, we feel pressure to not only add in that one more thing but also to be a more perfect parent, partner, friend. It’s the holiday season after all, right? The season of giving,…
Let’s face it. Breaking up sucks. Whether you were the dumper or the dumpee, no matter how you slice it, it’s never easy. Learning how to find yourself again and be happy after a breakup can be even harder. It’s hard to move forward without this person. You’ve…
Have you ever been disrespected or bullied by someone? Were you able to respond to that bully in a way that valued you? Here are seven keys to addressing an adult bully and giving them an opportunity to apologize. They might apologize, or they might not – I’ve…
The world is changing rapidly. Industries are pivoting quickly, new technologies are emerging at a high rate, and we do not necessarily stay with one employer for the full length of our career. At the same time, we have never lived in a time with so many opportunities…
Deep down, most people think that happiness comes from having or doing something. In Alan Watts’s groundbreaking second book (originally published in 1940), he offers a more challenging thesis: authentic happiness comes from embracing life as a whole in all its contradictions and paradoxes, an attitude that Watts…
“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” – Anthony Robbins Communication is one of the most vital skills of a person. Being talkative does not necessarily pertain to effectiveness in communicating your message. To be counted as an effective…
There has been an increase in the number of people who are advocating for health and wellness. Individuals, businesses, and organizations are all adopting practices that help to boost your overall health, mental health, financial wellness, and more. Here are the nine top wellness and health trends of 2019.…
With hectic days and busy work schedules, stress is becoming an almost inevitable part of our lives. We all have different ways of coping with it, but spending time in nature is inarguably one of the best ways for reintroducing balance into our lives. Let’s take a look…
Finding a well-paying job after completion of education is what many youngsters strive for. However, in this competitive age, landing a great job just does not cut it anymore. You need to find something that leads you down a well-defined career path with no end in sight. If…
Your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you and your family can relax and feel comfortable. Your home should be a place of safety and should allow your mind to be at ease. A relaxing and mindful home environment can do wonders for your mental health and can…
It seems that trends go in cycles and ayahuasca is having its moment in the sun again. Interest first surged in the 60s and has picked up again once again as more people seek to experience it for themselves. Pronounced “ah ya wah ska”, this potent drink causes hallucinations. Allegedly,…
Back in 1890, it wasn’t uncommon for manufacturing employees to work 100 hours each week — more than 14 hours a day. That left a measly 10 hours to commute to your job, take a shower, eat, spend time with your family, and sleep. It’s no surprise workers…
Most people think that working out hardcore, running long distances, or doing activities that will make you sweat are what it takes to become fit and healthy. While these physically exerting activities play a role in well-being, another important factor is diet. Most nutritionists and gym trainers say…
What’s your definition of wellness? Some think of wellness in terms of how physically fit they are. But wellness is more than that. Personal wellness encompasses one’s physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual health. Now, you probably know how to work on the first four aspects. You know the importance of…