Do you ever wonder if you can rely on your intuition? Or even, whether you’re intuitive at all? This is an important question as trusting our “6th sense” becomes more popular and sought after in work and relationships. Are you someone who goes by the book relying solely on logic or do you follow your hunches and go with your gut feelings? Did you recently have a strong intuition about someone? This quiz may not…
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life and people? Or been told that you’re “too sensitive’ and need to “toughen up”? You may actually be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Back in the early 1990s, psychologist Elaine Aron began her research on a distinct personality trait: the Highly…
Human beings are the most adaptive creatures. They adapt to their surroundings, to the beliefs they are taught from childhood, and to the way they are brought up. Unfortunately, whatever you have learned from the beginning may not be enough. As we have dynamic natures, we need to…
Have you been searching for ways to understand yourself better? Being aware of who you are and affirming all of your qualities—good and bad—can be a challenging journey, but one worthwhile nonetheless. If you want to know some quick ways you can begin this process and become more…
Most of us have wondered at one point or another what the point of it all is. Why are we here? What’s life really about? In short, what IS the purpose of life? Why study 15 years of our lives, work 80,000 hours, and then reproduce so the…
Let’s face it. Breaking up sucks. Whether you were the dumper or the dumpee, no matter how you slice it, it’s never easy. Learning how to find yourself again and be happy after a breakup can be even harder. It’s hard to move forward without this person. You’ve…
The “Major Arcana” in the Tarot (book of life) translates as “Major Box of Secrets.” And today I am going to uncover three of those extremely helpful secrets — namely birth cards, relationship cards and year cards. The three sums that I am going to share with you unlock…
We often blame outside influences for upsets or negative occurrences in our lives. However, our reality is actually shaped and crafted directly from our own beliefs. So if there’s anything in your life that you’re not happy about, it might be time to examine some of your beliefs. …
Do you ever feel a longing for something more? As if you haven’t quite achieved your life purpose? Maybe you feel like you don’t belong in your job, even if you’re successful at it and make a good check every month. You know you should be grateful for…