Do you see 11:11 or (my personal favorite) 111 more than any other number?
I think you might do, because whenever I mention this topic on Facebook, I get inundated with questions about what it means. So, I have dedicated this post to letting you know:
1) What I think it means.
2) Sharing a story demonstrating how I arrived at those meanings.
3) A way for you to find out your own. Like anything in life, there is a general meaning and then there is how that applies to you you, so let’s look a little deeper.
General Meaning Of 111
The number one in the Tarot or Numerology represents the self, the identity (number 1).
The number 11 in the Tarot used to be Strength, but it is now Justice, (just over 100 years ago they got swapped due to the astrological associations, as well as the numerical).
For example, If we look at number 11 it looks like two upright pillars (of society), far more representative of Justice than the number 8 which is flowing and flexible.
My Personal Meaning
Over the past couple of years I have been working on my now newly published book ‘The Transformational Truth of You’. As the writing emerged, there was a lot about 111 representing the co-creative element of the universe 1 representing oneself and 11 being the Universe.
Whenever I see 111 I feel I am being told that I am a channel for the Universe’s will, so much so the melding of 1 and 11 makes the universe the YOUniverse.
Yes — we are the Youniverse.
There has also been a strong link between 111 and my relationship with my daughter who is in spirit. However, something happened during the last anniversary that took this to an even deeper level…
Forever Flowering
My husband bought some pink carnations to honour my daughter’s passing. We usually scatter them in the sea/river/water, as that is where her ashes are.
At the time we were in Cornwall, in the far South West tip of England, so you would have thought we had plenty of sea to choose from!
Uncannily all the beaches we tried were inaccessible for one reason or another, so we kept them for the first year (it was the seventeenth anniversary).
We both left Cornwall after her anniversary. My husband arrived back three weeks later to see these flowers ecstatically blossoming, with no plant food or fresh water, they had just been left completely alone.
Divine Timing
That evening I thought, “Hmmm, I haven’t seen 111 for a while.” So I decided I was going to post about this on Facebook at 1:11am that morning, but I lost my phone.
I was staying in a small, minimalist studio flat in London, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. And couldn’t sleep because the wind was blowing SO loud around my treetop studio.
So I got up to get a drink and when I went back to bed, there was my phone, lying on my bed. So I picked it up and saw the time — yep, 1:11.
It was too late to post the story then, but it was a strong reminder from the Universe about how it decides the timing of events — not me — I need that reminder a lot!
The wind was blowing so much that I opened the curtains, and I witnessed the big bay tree outside my window being blown almost horizontal — Bay (Laurel) trees are a connection to my daughter (Lauren).
I then put earplugs in to block out the battering wind — I’m in a loft so I sometimes feel like Dorothy from Kansas. I woke up the next morning remembering dreams about receiving literally tons of pink flowers, tulips, carnations and roses — the works.
I then opened my curtain and saw the big bay tree outside standing stronger and brighter than ever — with the quote, “Peace is the flower that grows within us.”
I felt it was a message that said no matter how neglected, bruised, battered, knocked sideways, we may feel by life, our mind, body and spirit always has a chance to grow bigger and bolder, blossom and bloom, in fact, maybe even sometimes more so, for having weathered the storm.
I also came away with another meaning for 111 — divine timing…
Now over to you!
How To Find Out Your Own Personal Meaning
1) Keep a 1111 or 111 (or any other synchronized number) journal.
2) Set an intention that it will only take a week to get the messages.
3) Collect information of whenever it happens, how it happens, and the events leading up to and around it.
I would love to know if this works for you, so please feel free to share your findings.
Happy synchronized timing to you, and if you feel like taking the power of synchronized numbers deeper then you may wish to check out my free mini course below — The 22 Pathways to Liberation!