Do you ever feel a longing for something more? As if you haven’t quite achieved your life purpose?
Maybe you feel like you don’t belong in your job, even if you’re successful at it and make a good check every month. You know you should be grateful for that, and you may even have a voice inside of you saying, “Who do you think you are for wanting more? You should be happy with what you have.”
Unfortunately, the result is that if you don’t do something about it, you will continue to feel stuck, and you’ll be holding yourself back from your dreams. This will make you feel like if your internal radar is off, and you’ll look for answers outside of you because you have been disconnected from your center – your True Self.
Why Finding and Living Your Purpose Can Be So Hard
As the years go by, layers of fear and guilt accumulate. Eventually, some of us bury our purpose and just go through life, but we’re not living from an authentic place.
Living in fear holds us back. Many keep surrendering to the status quo because keeping that job is “what we’re supposed to do.” The truth is that staying confined to that office, that cubicle and being submitted to the clock-in clock-out, leads us to a slow death.
Some people know, deep in their hearts, that there’s something else to life. That feeling of longing for something more meaningful is a signal for growth and expansion. We need to listen carefully to what our spirit is telling us and take action.
Think about it. We spend so many hours of our lives doing something that we don’t love. At some point, that dissatisfaction gets to us, and it starts affecting other areas of our lives (our health, relationships, etc.). Our level of joy and fulfillment is usually very low.
When we’re not aligned energetically to be who we came here to be, we continue to feel struggles. Giving ourselves permission to want what we really want leads us to the highest levels of joy and faster than anything.
Living from your Authentic Self (True Self) and finding your Life Purpose is one of the most courageous things you will do for yourself.
However, there is ONE huge block that gets in the way of finding our Life Purpose.
This universal block is FEAR, and it manifests in many different ways. One thing is for sure, we’re either living on purpose, or we’re living in fear.
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Here are 6 signs that will show you how living in fear might be getting in the way of you finding clarity about your Life Purpose:
1. You feel stuck and stagnant
No matter how much you do, you feel that you are accomplishing little.
2. You feel confused
Often it seems as if you don’t know what you should do next. You don’t know the steps to move forward.
3. You tend to worry a lot
Energy is moving through you, but it has no outlet; it’s being channeled into a negative pattern – worry.
4. You feel lack of energy
Somedays, you feel like just getting out of bed is a chore. You feel like if you’re often in a state of inertia.
5. You feel hopeless
You always have a justification for why you can’t live your dreams.
6. You Procrastinate
You keep putting things on the back burner, and something always comes up.
“The only thing that prevents you from achieving your dreams and getting what you really want, are the excuses you tell yourself.”
These stories, based on fear, will block any chance that you could have to live an authentic life, aligned to your Life Purpose.
Here are 7 steps that you can follow, to start moving forward towards the life you came here to live:
1. Truly know yourself
Remember that you’re a spiritual being, and therefore, you’re whole and complete.
2. Get clarity
What is important to you, and what do you want? Give yourself permission to want what you really want.
3. Release what is no longer serving you
Create space for the new and expansion.
4. Connect with your passions and gifts
Do more of what you love.
5. Understand the many faces of fear
Fear will get triggered when you make a decision like this, but do it anyway and s-t-r-e-t-c-h beyond fear!
6. Make a plan
Creating a concrete purpose-filled plan.
7. Find support
Have someone on your side that can support you, guide you, and hold you accountable.
The benefits of working toward your dreams and living on purpose
Imagine living from an authentic place, owning your own story. Providing a fantastic example to your kids by encouraging them and those around you, showing them that it’s possible to live being true to yourself.
Your relationships improve magically. Your days are full of meaning, excitement, and enthusiasm.
Nothing will bring you more joy and freedom in life than living aligned to your True Self and your Life Purpose.
Ultimately, living the life you came here to live, and giving your greatness to the world will create a beautiful ripple effect that is so needed nowadays!
Gain Instant Clarity On What You Really Want In Life – And Have It All
There’s a reason that so many brilliantly talented, naturally creative, intelligent and capable people never reach their potential, and it is, quite simply, a lack of direction.Even if you have a vague goal in mind, you still need a plan, a process to get you there.
You can have the most expensive, fastest car in the world, but if you set off without a clear idea of where you’re going, then the rusty old Beatle with a map and compass will beat you there every time.
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Where You will Learn:
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✅ Do you always set goals and rarely achieve them? It’s not your fault – traditional goal-setting is seriously incomplete! Discover how Lifebook empowers you to rapidly and consistently take charge of your life, and realize your every dream.
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