We’ve all been there. The sinking feeling you get when you have made a bad decision and realize it. 

Everyone makes decisions whether we like it or not. Today’s society and reality are absolutely based on the collective decisions of all humans.

We have created what exists because we’ve made different decisions that led us to where we are today. You see, everything in this world works under the spells of the cause-and-effect principle.A plastic figure trapped in a bad situation and has to make a decision to escape.

Every cause has its effect. Nothing escapes from this rule. Whenever you have a thought (the cause), you’re building much higher chances of manifesting that thought in the physical plane of action. When you apply that thought, the effect is present. Always.

When there is a conflict inside your mind as a consequence of making a bad decision, it’s obvious that you’ve already acknowledged that decision as being bad. Therefore, you’ll have to deal with it.

However, in most cases, people make up their own problems. Sometimes there are no problems, no bad decisions, no bad thinking – it’s just thinking, just decisions, just challenges (not problems). That is exactly why you need to reassess your decision from different angles and perspectives before associating it with adjectives like “bad” or “wrong”.

In case the decision truly was wrong and you’ve already experienced or witnessed the effects of your initial decision, it really pays off well to know how to get away from the negative impact.

We need to minimize the damage that’s been made, and we need to do it quickly before it sucks up more of our nerves and energy.

Here are 6 ways to move on and let go after making a bad decision

1. Don’t Dwell Too Much on It – Let Go

Sometimes we just can’t let go. It seems impossible to let go, so we keep thinking about it. Most often than not, these thoughts will make us feel rather unpleasant, and it will continue until we consciously decide that it’s over.

Come to the realization that your dwelling will do nothing more than to keep you stuck in your negative thinking cycle.

You need to let go because the decision you’ve made belongs to the past. When you’ve made it, you thought you’re doing the best for you and you took action according to your past mindset and knowledge. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t assume responsibility for your actions. It means to give yourself slack and understand that you’re a human who makes mistakes.
–Mark Harmer, HR Assistant and Master Psychologist at Resumes Planet

2. See It as an Opportunity for Growth

People are not really affected by what’s happening to them. In fact, they’re affected by their perception of the things that happen.

When you make a bad decision, you automatically associate it with something in your mind. It’s like we label everything that happens to us according to our own subjective perception. What’s even worse is that our emotions are linked to our associations.

Therefore, whenever you make bad decisions, you can perceive the situation through other perspectives.

For example, if you perceive your “bad decision” as a mistake that has taught you something new, you need to be appreciative instead of disappointed.

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3. Everything is Temporary and Happens NOW

We’re only experiencing the present moment. Whenever we think of the past or future, we create a very subjective illusion (again, subjective) that we use to feed our brain in order to gain control.Young african american woman with eyes closed taking a breath

However, if you just close your eyes for five seconds, open them again, and observe that you can only experience the present moment, you’ll understand that whatever’s on your mind is temporary.

Emotions come and go. Things are done and then they’re forgotten. People get born and then they die. You see, nothing stays in one place. So every mistake that you’ve made is soon going to be erased by time.

What you can do to encourage it is focus on the now.

4. Seize the Problem and Find the Solution

Seizing the problem is one thing, finding the solution is another. Usually, after making bad decisions, people are faced with different consequences or problems. These problems, again, could be treated with optimism and they should be used only to discover the proper solution.

When we keep thinking and dwelling on the problem, we forget that we have to focus on the solutions. Once you find the solution, the damage is minimized and you’re easily going to move on.

5. Talk to Somebody Close to You

In case you find yourself overwhelmed by powerful emotions that you can no longer Loving adult daughter talking to sad old mother holding hand comforting upset older woman having problemcontrol, you should probably get in touch with somebody. I’m not strictly referring to a professional; I’m also referring to friends, family, or people that share a connection with you.

Once you speak out whatever is on your mind, your subconscious mind will start looking for solutions. Therefore, you may find yourself speaking the solution without even realizing it.

Moreover, when you get in touch with other people that care, you might get surprising responses that can help you with your present difficulties.

6. Cultivate a State of Total Gratefulness

Have you ever experienced a strong state of gratefulness? It’s amazing! Quite frankly, there’s no other state which could eliminate all the negative states, moods, and thoughts so fast and efficiently.

When you stop wanting and start appreciating, new doors open up for you, and you will finally understand that what you’re dwelling on is not that important as it seems. Gratefulness will help you let go of everything that burdens your mind.

Moving On

Moving on from bad decisions is far away from impossible. You first need to understand the cause and the effect. Then, you can take it step-by-step and solve the issue without negative emotions such as pain, sadness, or disappointment.

Everyone one of us can move beyond the past and focus on the present moment. The same present moment that continuously generates future effects for everything that we do and decide RIGHT NOW.

Micheal Gilmore

Micheal Gilmore is an entrepreneur and passionate career advisor from Dallas, TX. His mission is helping people achieve perfection in anything they do. Micheal gains. His life is fully dedicated to the people. You can catch Micheal on Twitter.