Human beings are the most adaptive creatures. They adapt to their surroundings, to the beliefs they are taught from childhood, and to the way they are brought up. Unfortunately, whatever you have learned from the beginning may not be enough. As we have dynamic natures, we need to grow and develop both physically and mentally. This process of self-development is continuous. Our physical growth is automated, but to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, requires conscious…
Despite being relatively young, positive thinking has seen an enormous rise in popularity during the last two decades. Uncountable online resources and guides, millions of articles, and podcasts talk about ‘pros and cons of positive thinking.’ No shortage of self-help gurus claim that it is the best means ever…
A strong relationship requires work and commitment on behalf of both parties involved. Even if you feel that you’re born for each other, you’ll get into arguments, and you’ll have to overcome challenges. In the absence of a proactive approach, the bond between the two of you will…
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a personalized roadmap of all the areas of self-improvement for your personal growth journey? Unfortunately, the commitment to bettering yourself doesn’t come with an instruction guide. However, there are 7 distinct areas of personal development that you can focus on working…
The past is a nice place to visit, but not a good place to stay. Past memories are a certain reflection of where we come from. Our minds are always running in a loop. This loop runs through the past, present, and future. Sometimes our memories of the…
Being kind is different than being nice. Most of us are nice most of the time. Being nice is something we are taught to us from the time we are little kids: Be nice to your Sister. Share your toys. Help your mother with the dishes. It’s nice to…
Modern life can be tough – there’s no doubt about that. The pressures of modern life, from social pressures to economic pressures, can make it hard for us to sustain self-happiness over a long period of time. If you want to get over that issue, however, it pays…
When looking to live a more fulfilling life, one of the key things is helping others. But, do you know why it will help you have a better, more rewarding life? How does it help with making life more engaging and fun? Well, read on to find out.…
This time of year, just when it seems impossible to fit one more thing in, we feel pressure to not only add in that one more thing but also to be a more perfect parent, partner, friend. It’s the holiday season after all, right? The season of giving,…