The concept of “celebrating wins” isn’t new, but if you’re not celebrating every micro-win, you’re missing out.
The original idea of celebrating wins was based on Law of Attraction 101: whatever you bring energy, attention, and focus to will grow. Therefore, if you focus on celebrating your wins, you’re sure to attract more reasons to celebrate.
Makes sense, right? But more recently, we have discovered even more reasons to celebrate even the tiniest of wins: the micro-win.
What’s a micro-win?
A micro-win can anything from scoring a close parking spot, or unexpectedly reconnecting with an old friend, to making a healthy snack choice when the office birthday cake is staring you in the face.
If you’re a high achiever (or a recovering overachiever, like me), you may feel like you don’t see the point in celebrating such minor achievements. In fact, you may view such small wins as necessary steps or to-do list items, as opposed to mini-milestones. But if that’s the case, you’re missing an opportunity to propel your momentum forward.
Here are 5 reasons celebrating wins is important
1. Micro-wins bridge the gap
Even small- to mid-size goals can take several weeks or months to achieve, but micro-wins often happen on a weekly or daily basis.
Celebrating the mini-wins gives you a reason to smile and dance while you’re awaiting bigger results.
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2. Micro-wins make you smile every day
This is ideal for those with short attention spans who appreciate constant feedback and a steady sense of accomplishment. Celebrating every micro-win keeps you motivated and helps you stay positive.
3. Micro-wins drive momentum forward
Rather than feeling like you’ve plateaued or are holding steady, celebrating micro-wins will help you recognize and acknowledge any amount of forward progress. This way, you continue onward and upward, building on your progress thus far.
More reasons to celebrate equates to a faster movement toward success, which produces more rapid results.
4. Celebrating micro-wins raises endorphins, helping fuel your happiness factor and positivity
This helps you stay focused and keep taking action to move your big goals forward. Let’s face it; it feels good!
5. Micro-wins build resilience
When you hit a roadblock on the way to your goal, celebrating wins that are small accomplishments helps you build stamina and power to carry you through the speed bumps. It’s easier to keep going when you know a reason to celebrate is just around the corner.
Wondering how to celebrate your next micro-win? Here are a few suggestions
- Dance break. Or move your body in any way that feels good to you.
- Treat yourself. Enjoy a piece of luxurious chocolate, download a new app, or gift yourself any other pick-me-up mini-treat.
- Sing out loud. Pull up your favorite celebratory song and sing along at the top of your lungs.
- High-five or fist bump the person nearest to you.
- Smile, laugh, shout out a “hell YEAH,” or any other expression of excitement.
- Doodle a design, a stick-man, some word art, or any other form of creative celebration.
But by all means—don’t feel limited to these ideas. Let your imagination run wild. What feels good to you?
Speaking of what feels good, here’s one quick caveat before you celebrate your next micro-win. Not everyone will share your enthusiasm for the small wins or even the big wins, and that’s okay.
If you’re new to celebrating wins, feel free to celebrate on your own (or with your most enthusiastic supporters) until it becomes an ingrained habit for you.
Getting started
Here’s your challenge if you choose to accept it: for the next week, take time to consciously celebrate every micro-win and watch what happens.
Celebrate for your friends and loved ones, and encourage them to celebrate their micro-wins as well. Watch how positivity and success begin to blossom in your inner circles.