For years, I struggled with my mind. It exhausted me. It would spend endless hours at night — when my body really wanted to sleep — thinking. Endless streams of thought that sometimes made no sense and caused anxiety and depression. Yet oddly, the same “thinking machine” that kept me up at night would falter during the day. I couldn’t concentrate at work. My mind felt like it was overtaken by dense fog. And after…
Do you ever wish you could feel like your brain is at max capacity and like you can barely remember what you ate yesterday? If so, you’re not alone! The good news is that it IS possible to learn how to maximize your brain space and improve your…
How we think about situations and our attitude towards them has the most profound effect on how we respond. A long time ago, in a psychology class far away, a professor introduced us to the idea of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Grid. I’m sure I didn’t understand the…
Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things you can’t see. Successful people use the power of creative visualization; their motto is – visualize and materialize – from imagination to reality. Even our friend Albert Einstein says – ‘everything is energy and that’s all there…
Science shows that meditation has a powerful impact on adult wellbeing, but is meditation for children too? Our children are growing up in a world completely unlike the one that raised our generations. The effects of that world are becoming more and more apparent in the sometimes unmanageable…
Say it isn’t so! Your old, persistent negative thinking demon has just reared its ugly head again. And it’s bringing you down. You’ve heard a million times how powerful positive thinking is — in fact, it’s a superpower. You know in your DNA this is true, and you’ve…
We all create our own truths to protect ourselves, make ourselves feel better, or justify an action. Just imagine for a moment, if much of what you’ve learned from your parents, from society, from school, from a doctor, wasn’t the truth at all…what if they were only beliefs?…
Do you ever feel like you could be doing more with your life? You’d like to learn how to reach your full potential, but you continually find yourself stuck because life just feels like it hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would… Your heart yearns to…
Everyone, including you, is a natural-born expert at manifesting Yep, that’s everyone and it includes you! You probably don’t believe me right now, but if you read all of this and practice what I show you… Then you will not need to believe that will become irrelevant! Manifesting…