5 Foods With Amazing Health Benefits (That Are Probably in Your Kitchen)

Before you pop another pill, take a moment to think about all the amazing things nature has given you and discover the healthy food that is likely already in your home.

Freshwater, clean air, sweet fruits, and the list goes on. Mother Nature certainly isn’t going to hold back when it comes to your health.

There are a million natural things out there that can make you feel a lot better, but here are a few beneficial, easy to find, and fun to eat healthy foods and herbs that’ll kick start your day and make you a healthier being.

5 Healthy Food Options That Might Surprise You

1. Cinnamon

The thought of cinnamon brings back such lovely memories. Cinnamon buns and apple cider.  Ahhh. But on the healthy side, cinnamon is a miracle worker.

This old school spice can help you control your blood sugar (which is linked to heart disease). It also prevents vomiting, relieves flatulence, and is useful for those suffering from diarrhea. On top of reducing your blood sugar level, it also brings down the cholesterol.

Ways to eat: Sprinkle some cinnamon into your coffee, tea, smoothies, oatmeal, baked goods, greek yogurt, and stewed/baked fruits (such as apples).

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is chock full of health benefits. It can help with your digestive problems and even your skin complaints. It has also been used for quite some time to relieve menstrual pain.

On top of that, turmeric can be used to treat liver disease, jaundice, and colon cancer.

Ways to eat: Use it in stir-frys, curries, golden lattes, soups, eggs or frittatas, smoothies, and roasted vegetables.

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3. Parsley

Fresh parsley is an herb that’s full of vitamin C. It has been rumored to prevent tumor-cell growth too. Parsley also aids in digestion and can even relieve itch if applied externally.

This miracle-working healthy food cleanses the blood and boosts circulation too. And one last thing. Parsley helps to ease muscle spasms.

Ways to eat: Sprinkle it in your soup, use it in a salad, tabbouleh, pesto, or throw it on as a garnish.

4. Lime

Who could forget the lime? Used everywhere in the world, this sour fruit is a lifesaver. Because of its high concentration of vitamin C, it was used to cure scurvy during the 19th century.

The leaves of the lime can be infused as herbal tea is great for headaches. The juice is also known to counter diarrhea. Also, lime can be used to clear up congested skin and can even stem bleeding from minor cuts.

Ways to eat: Add to water or tea or squeeze it on top of meats for a marinade. You can also use it for salad dressings.

5. Peppermint

Not just a breath freshener, mint is also used to treat morning sickness, nausea, dyspepsia, flatulence, and stomach aches. It’s the king of all herbs when it comes to indigestion and cramping.

For those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, mint will become your best friend. It is scientifically proven to improve the conditions of any IBS sufferer. It can also be used to slow the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Ways to eat: Peppermint leaves make a delicious tea that can soothe a sore throat and improve your digestive tract.

Why Diets Don’t Work

The idea that modern diets improve your health is a myth.

When we go on diets, we expect to radically change our life. We want to feel healthier, happier, and fitter.

Unfortunately, that’s not what ends up happening most of the time: 95% of people who went on diet programs say it didn’t work for them.

The problem is, these people were duped into the diet myth.

The diet myth is the idea that to be healthy, you need to eat less, or focus only on a specific food group.

But those restrictions create problems of their own. They don’t address the real problem – the fact that we’re not getting all the nutrition our bodies really need.

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View Comments

  • I have forgotton to mention the "GREEN TEA" also, in my above comment, which is providing 25 varieties of benefits to our good health which please add this also and live a better life.

  • Very nice matter to be known and to be added daily by every one which I am recommending you all to follow this because I know very clearly that this article is completely true. We should thank to the publishers of this. I wish to remember you two more things below, which they have missed to mention here.

    1.Garlic which reduces the harmful cholesterol (which is called as "LDL" cholesterol in medical term) in our blood, destroyes the bacterias in the stomach and helps for rapid digestion. This can be added in soups, currys and in all menus as you like.

    2. Always use good quality of "OLIVE OIL" enriched with Omega3 which reduces the bad cholesterol "LDL" and increases the needed good cholesterol called as "HDL" which is very important for the immune system of our body and to save our heart volves from blockage of harmful fat.

  • Very nice matter to be known and to be added daily by every one which I am recommending you all to follow this because I know very clearly that this article is completely true. We should thank to the publishers of this. I wish to remember you two more things below, which they have missed to mention here.
    1.Garlic which reduces the harmful cholesterol (which is called as "LDL" cholesterol in medical term) in our blood, destroyes the bacterias in the stomach and helps for rapid digestion. This can be added in soups, currys and in all menus as you like.
    2. Always use good quality of "OLIVE OIL" enriched with Omega3 which reduces the bad cholesterol "LDL" and increases the needed good cholesterol called as "HDL" which is very important for the immune system of our body and to save our heart volves from blockage of harmful fat.

  • My wife an I made a vow to eat healthier this year, and to continue to improve on it throughout our lives, so this article will definitely come in handy--thanks a lot!

    I wasn't aware of the health benefits of either of the things you mentioned, but I had at least heard of all of them---except for Tumeric, I'll have to look that one up.

    Thanks again!

  • My wife an I made a vow to eat healthier this year, and to continue to improve on it throughout our lives, so this article will definitely come in handy--thanks a lot!

    I wasn't aware of the health benefits of either of the things you mentioned, but I had at least heard of all of them---except for Tumeric, I'll have to look that one up.

    Thanks again!

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