Wondering how much of fasting is about health and how much is a fad diet? You’ve probably heard of “intermittent fasting,” but if you’re unsure of what it is or if it’s even good for you, keep reading. Fasting is the abstinence of nourishment. Some fasts will prohibit all food and drink. Others will allow you to have certain things, like water, tea or juices, but not others. Fasting has a long history. Many indigenous…
As we grow older, we become more aware of just how important doctors are in our lives. While we were children, our parents would do the hard work for us, but there comes a time when we are supposed to step up. And to be honest, it is…
The use of social networking sites has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Social media has now become an important part of everyone’s life. It is something which is influencing our daily lives, and it has become extremely important for everyone (including brands, businesses, celebrities, and…
We all have days we feel drained and tired. With busy schedules and less sleep than we would like, these are normal feelings. Depression, on the other hand, is not just having a few “off” days. It’s a chronic disorder that causes problems with your everyday life. What…
Anxiety and fear run in tandem with each other; these terms are not tradable. Even though manifestations commonly cover an individual’s involvement, these feelings dependent on their specific circumstances. Fear identifies with a known or unknown risk, though tension pursues from an obscure or ineffectively characterized danger, the…
Does any cold remedy compare to mum’s homemade chicken soup? There’s a reason for that, and it’s called love. Eating nourishes the body, but cooking for those we love feeds the soul. Any chow magically becomes soul food when the person in the kitchen flies into a frenzy…
Do you suffer from frequent headaches and achieve only minimal relief from pain medications? There are five easy exercises that you should try. These exercises stretch and loosen muscles that often become tense, stiff, and contribute to neck and head pain. Try each of them at least twice…
A number of people find it difficult to live their life harmoniously. Sleeplessness is turning out to be a major issue, especially among the working population. Alleviate the exhausted mind and sponsor peace and harmony in life with Yoga’s restorative asanas. With mindful breathing, intensive focus, and relaxation…
The food industry is expanding and innovating exponentially but the honesty of this growth is questionable. Today, food adulteration has become a huge issue and there are commercial tricks and hidden agenda that spoil the integrity of fresh produce. From crops being cultivated to being harvested, then manufactured,…