The Law Of Attraction vs The Power Of Now: Which Works?

Human consciousness has been rocked in the last few years with two radical ideas: the Law of Attraction (or manifestation) and the Power of Now. But do these two concepts support or oppose each other?

The Law of Attraction (LOA)

Simple, but not easy. That’s how I sometimes think of the Law of Attraction. Most of us were born at a time when the might of thousands of years told us that we humans were essentially meaningless specks in a mechanical universe.

Oh sure, there was a God somewhere in Heaven, but here on Earth, our power to form and shape our lives had a lot to do with our luck, the family we were born into or being in the right place at the right time. It had absolutely zero to do with our thoughts.

Then comes the movie that first inspired and then disappointed a lot of folks. The Secret said, “Hey, guess what? YOU have all the power and it’s all about your thoughts!” Woohoo! Free at last! well, maybe.

So a bunch of us started trying to think positive thoughts so we could manifest goodies. Most of us found it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. There seemed to be a few pieces of the puzzle missing…

The Missing Piece of the Law of Attraction

Expect and it is given.

Here’s the thing: if you’ve spent a couple or more decades expecting life to be punctuated by periodic poop-to-the-fan blasts, or if you say ‘yeah, yeah, I’m saying affirmations twice a day,’ while the rest of the time you believe, think and talk about how you’re ‘controlled’ by external forces (think: parents, spouses, money, job, kids, health problems), then the truth is, you’re not ‘working’ the power of attraction at all.

No matter how much your conscious mind affirms, if your unconscious mind expects mediocrity, failure or disease, that’s what you can, well, expect to get.

The truth is that the LOA isn’t about superficial positive thinking. It’s about a way of life, a deeply integrated belief, and expectation that YOU have full and total command of your reality. And if you’ve just heard about this, and you’re more than 7 years old, guess what? It’s going to take some practice and brain re-wiring before you start getting your LOA groove on.

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Gotta be thankful for what’s right in front of you. It’s been said in so many ways now that it’s getting redundant.

Until YOU get redundant with an appreciation for the goodies you’ve got now–no matter how big or small–you’re keeping the door closed to more of the good stuff.


Taking action toward your dreams is part of the puzzle. When you act in alignment with what you want to manifest, you make yourself something to be attracted to.

What does this mean in ‘real-life’?

Let’s say you want to lose weight. A great action to take would be to exercise a little, eat a little better and generally behave like someone who’s got a healthy weight.

If you don’t change some of the behaviors and actions that got you overweight in the first place, you’re not making the full shift toward becoming a vibe-match to less weight.

The Power of Now (PON)

How does the LOA relate to the other big idea of our time – Eckhart Tolle’s coined, “Power of Now”? Let’s look at the puzzle pieces and find out.


Tricky concept this, since expectations are sometimes unconscious. But here’s the thing: when you shift your focus from what you want in the future and turn it toward what you’re experiencing right now, all of a sudden, expectations–good or bad–take a back seat.

You free yourself from vibrating from a place of want, which is the exact vibration that will keep you from getting what you want, because they’re not a vibrational match.


When you bring your focus to the moment, you’re not worrying about the future or regretting things from the past. In this mental space, you can much more easily find things to feel good (or at least neutral) about. And when you do that, you raise your vibration to be more attractive to more good experiences.


When you ‘act as if’ what you’re wanting already is – in every moment – (yeah, I’m talking about pretending), again, you make yourself more attractive to those very things you want.

Okay, your turn! Do you think the LOA and the PON are two parts of one picture? What other ‘puzzle pieces’ are missing here? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.

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  • Based on my experience this is well worded. The 'law of attraction' naturally gets activated or enebled once you are in the now. Don't ask me why, Tolle would say that's just 'Being' being expressed through you. One of the most powerful techniques for me to get there is to make whatever my current experience is, 'on purpose'. You could say that this way you acknowledge the truth of the law of attraction, which in turn brings you in the now, which in turn elevates your power for using the law of attraction consciously, which is exactly the power of now. It's all just words, all pointing to the same, that what we are all looking for.

  • "Expect and it is given
    Here’s the thing: if you’ve spent a couple or more decades expecting life to be punctuated by periodic poop-to-the-fan blasts, or if you say ‘yeah, yeah, I’m saying affirmations twice a day,’ while the rest of the time you believe, think and talk about how you’re ‘controlled’ by external forces (think: parents, spouses, money, job, kids, health problems), then the truth is, you’re not ‘working’ the LOA at all. No matter how much your conscious mind affirms, if your unconscious mind expects mediocrity, failure or disease, that’s what you can, well, expect to get.

    The truth is that the LOA isn’t about superficial positive thinking. It’s about a way of life, a deeply integrated belief and expectation that YOU have full and total command of your reality. And if you’ve just heard about this, and you’re more than 7 years old, guess what? It’s going to take some practice and brain re-wiring before you start getting your LOA groove on."

    Yeah, but HOW??? If it's all about expectation, if all your actions follow from your beliefs and your beliefs are deeply rooted in your subconscious (and I believe they are), how do you go about changing your subconscious? Particularly as he says above, if you're repeating the negative ten or a thousand times more often than you're practicing positive thinking? How do you rewire your brain to believe the opposite of what you see, experience, and believe now?

  • "Expect and it is given
    Here’s the thing: if you’ve spent a couple or more decades expecting life to be punctuated by periodic poop-to-the-fan blasts, or if you say ‘yeah, yeah, I’m saying affirmations twice a day,’ while the rest of the time you believe, think and talk about how you’re ‘controlled’ by external forces (think: parents, spouses, money, job, kids, health problems), then the truth is, you’re not ‘working’ the LOA at all. No matter how much your conscious mind affirms, if your unconscious mind expects mediocrity, failure or disease, that’s what you can, well, expect to get.

    The truth is that the LOA isn’t about superficial positive thinking. It’s about a way of life, a deeply integrated belief and expectation that YOU have full and total command of your reality. And if you’ve just heard about this, and you’re more than 7 years old, guess what? It’s going to take some practice and brain re-wiring before you start getting your LOA groove on."

    Yeah, but HOW??? If it's all about expectation, if all your actions follow from your beliefs and your beliefs are deeply rooted in your subconscious (and I believe they are), how do you go about changing your subconscious? Particularly as he says above, if you're repeating the negative ten or a thousand times more often than you're practicing positive thinking? How do you rewire your brain to believe the opposite of what you see, experience, and believe now?

  • By PON ,you can support any other law in this way but i'm not agreed .
    i think you only mentioned the support of PON for LOA but i don't think they support each other at all, if you are experiencing PON , there is no wanting , so how you can think about LOA .
    besides i think because of karma , the LOA can not be complete in only one life , i mean that when i look to my life(maybe everybody) , not everything is coming to my life by my beliefs and expectationes, and my subconsciousness .
    ok, we can attract lots of things in our life but we can not have full control on it, honestly.
    these two are complete for themselves but i think there are in different levels, LOA is very attractive for most of the people(because of wanting to be someone else or wanting something else) but PON was talked by krishna moorthy many years , also by Mr Tolle and many understand the theory but in real life , no , i don't think too many can live it for more than a short time .

  • both PON and LOA says that there is a source(or god or creator).since the LOA and PON both exists in the same universe they MUST work together , or there will be chaos.the laws of the universe must be in harmony for it to work and the world to is just that they work in different different ways on the SAME thing
    just like a person , you cannot be both hateful and loving at the same time. the LOA and PON are characterists of the universe so they MUST be connected in some way to exist in our world.even if you cannot think that way , remember one thing , law of the universe do not need a conscious in the world to approve to work it just work. the thing is to live according to it and it will help you.
    personally , i know all the things you say here but i did not have the things i want .i think that my subconcious beliefs is different .i find it hard to make my mind not to judge, feel grateful , focus on the now , love , peace harmony.i am aware of that .i want to find some way to access my subconscious mind .any tips.i am (also believe deep down , i hope..) being grateful for your will attract (LOA) your help right?hehe

  • LOA and PON are the same theories - just different interpretations. Instead of comparing which is what, I think, one should use the one which suits you better......... After all, the goal is the same

  • Universal laws or Principles must have there creator within them to give them power to work. Discovering the Principle and ignoring the PRINCIPAL will do you in. Some day you will have to give an account for dumping the PRINCIPAL, while using his Principles.
    The Light,

  • Vishen, I think you talk about being in the 'flow' involving two elements; satisfaction and gratefulness for what you have (past) and vision for what you will have (future). So the two must work in tandem for true growth and development. I imagine that these two elements correspond to the two principles discussed above with probably a good deal of overlap and interdependence.

    • The trick is that both the past and the future are complete fictions. There is a record you carry around of what the Now used to look like before you changed it. And a set of plans you have for what you want to happen.

      The gratitude you have is for what is happening right now. And the changes you want to make are all in the past tense, because they have already happened and are present around you. That is how you word your vision of things as you'd like to see them - as you now see them.

      The trick is in simply letting go of all the old records you have which you may be using to predict what your responses are or will be to any given situation. When you can simply exist peacefully in Now, then manifesting (changing, evolving) anything you want, need, or would like - it's all much easier.
      My recent post Your Mental Antenna and Concentration

  • Hi all
    In the past 14 months I have spent around $15,000 on LOA and since the secret around $80,000, guess what it has not worked,
    Why because I fell into the trap of believing others instead of looking with in for the answers.There is no out there guru or someone better then you, you are the Guru of your life, yes there are awesome teachers that can give you tools and even they have their limitations, no one has it right 100% yet, other wise they would not be here, everyone is different with different believes and challenges, so no ingredient fits all.
    In fact some of the programs I looked at I went woa they have really got it wrong , yet these people teach others and others believe and follow them because they are looking for someone to follow other then themselves.
    Simple answer to why we do not receive the money, health, relationships and goodies the secret told us we would get.
    It is quite simple, programs believes, and trapped emotions, if you are running a core believe that money is no good all the affirmations, mind movies, mantras, subliminal , beats gratitude the power of now and everything you can think of will not change anything, I have tried them all. Once you have an awareness of your core believe I am not talking about the branch's or sub programs, the real core believe that is holding you back, you change your life forever because everything above it falls away
    An analogy might help, if you were watching something on TV that you really did not agree with you, would you sit there yelling, demanding, feel gratitude, feel guilty, be in the moment with the TV to make a difference to what you were watching or would simply pick up the remote and change channel to something that was in agreement with you
    Something else the whole self improvement movement are trying to convince us with is to change your sub conscious believes to be only positive.
    Well if you could take your mind out of your head and completely clean it of every emotion and believe and reinsert only positive thoughts guess what, you would still end up where you are now sooner or later.
    What happens every thought your mind has, has to to go thru the ego and it splits it into 2, positive and the negative.
    It is how we interact with these thoughts on how our lives turn out and just the fact of making anything positive and negative will have that out come.
    Would it not be better to call everything a life experience that is here to make us grow to more loving caring beings
    So what can you do, ASK THE QUESTION.
    What is my core believe and stay tuned into your thoughts and feelings the answer will show if you are willing to listen and accept CHANGE, then start running some new programs with affirmations or what ever lights your fire.
    Take everything in your life as a rewarding challenge that got you to where your now instead of labeling it negative or positive it is only energy .
    Once you master this,This is where your true gifts lie and the gifts you can share with others.
    Work from your heart not what everyone wants from you including all family and children
    You are the gift to this planet and if you are doing, pleasing everyone else and not being your true authentic self you serve no one including family children and this planet. So be the gift of yourself not expectation of others
    If you still can not find your core believe look for a teacher that is rewarding and perhaps talks about the things I have mentioned here.
    Do I have any regrets about the money I have spent so far NO, they have brought me to this space now
    I actually had my biggest moments when i got out of my own way and started to recognize what was being given to me and they showed up on different web casts that turned up in my in box that cost nothing to listen to, yes I bought a couple of programs from them, as a result at present I am being given the gift of being shown how to put all this together to help myself and help others by sharing those gifts and you can do the same
    Imagine a planet where we all take responsibility for ourselves and to share the love and compassion that could come from that
    Hope in some way this may resonates with you and you find the insights you are looking for

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