Why Do My Dreams Come True? (Hint: It’s Not Déjà Vu)

Have you ever seen a dream you had, play out in real life?

If so, you’re not alone.

It usually goes like this. You have a dream. You may dismiss it but a day or week pass by, and you find the exact dream happening before your eyes in real life.

Freaky stuff? Or is it just the laws of physics working itself out?

You may dismiss some of these dreams as mere coincidences, but some are so accurate and improbable that you cannot help but wonder if the true nature of time and your mind are closely coupled.

While often confused with déjà vu (“French for already seen”), the concept of seeing or feeling something that you previously experienced in a dream is a phenomenon called déjà rêvé (French for “already dreamed”).

To dive deeper into the mechanics of our dreams, we looked Dr. Eric Amidi’s (a Particle Physicist and a Certified Hypnotist) fascinating overview of the Collage Theory of Time.

So why DO my dreams come true?

According to Dr. Eric Amidi, the events and happenings are only snapshots of our lives. A “collage” if you will, and in no particular order.

Dr. Amidi explains that physics has made great strides in explaining the nature of time measurement. However, the nature of time itself remains quite a mystery to science.

In fact, one of the reasons that quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity cannot be unified is that science does not yet have a firm understanding of time.

So why is time so omnipresent that you can feel it everywhere you go, and yet it’s so elusive that you cannot put your finger on it and explain what it is?

Could it be because it’s within you? Could it be because it has its roots in your psyche and not the world out there?

Learn How To Manifest The Life Your Soul Wants You to Live in This FREE Lesson>>

What happens when your conscious mind shuts down and the subconscious mind takes over?

Imagine that all the things that have happened and will happen in your life are laid out in a collage of snapshot pictures on a wall. However, you can only see a small portion of this wall due to the limited capacity of your conscious mind.

In your waking life, your logical conscious mind constantly grabs these snapshots and puts them in a logical order, one after the other. This is what you perceive as being the passing of time.

However, while you dream or are in deep meditation, your logical conscious mind shuts down. This may allow you to see beyond now and into the future. Your conscious mind is no longer able to categorize the events of your life into a logical order.

Conscious mind out of the way, you get a chance to have a glimpse at the events of your life that would be considered as your future in your waking life…
–Dr. Eric Amidi

When you relax and shut down your logical mind, you may be able to open your mind to a sense of what’s coming and glimpse the whole collage on the wall.

So if you’ve wondered, “Why do my dreams come true?” it’s likely because you’ve accessed an entirely new realm within your subconscious mind.

The deeper the relaxation, the less present your conscious mind is. Therefore, the less able it is to put the events of your life in time order, allowing you to get a broader glimpse of the collage of events in your life, some from your future.

Pretty cool, right?

Just imagine what else your consciousness and subconsciousness mind are capable of.

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  • Dreams do come true i saw one before it happen i told my friend about my dream he said what are you going to do when it happens i said walk away. This one night my mom kick me out so i walk into some abadon apartments i was mad at the fact that my mom kick me out of the house an i had no where to go i grab a stick an broke a mirror saw the huge hole that i made stared at it thought of what i was going to do with my life was walking around full of rage an saw the mirror patch up fix like i never broken it i stared at it an was like this cant be true so i look down an saw the broken pieces on the floor look up an touch the mirror i tap it 3 times an look down an saw the broken pieces on the floor so grab the stick an broke the mirror again. This dream an event that i had still hunts me i still am seeking for anserws to what happen that night it change how i see time dreams my life i guess i fooled myself knowing i can see the future an change it

  • I think every dream has a message or meaning. The thing is that we don't take much of our time to fully understand them.

  • Hey:)
    For me it is a normal thing as long as i can remember my life i always have a dream not very clear but clear and then it happens, and sometimes some of them in a couple of years and not only in my life but onather peaple some i know some i do'nt. some times i do'nt get what it means and then it happens then i'm like yes yes now i got it. to name some of them, i hade a dream the man i am going to merry and i had a dream the children we going to have and their gender and that we going to get divorce and i am going to move another country, and gonna have another child and it was she and i need her and she needs me and she is going to be a fames singer and gitarist, and i am going to lose my other three children and it is a test and it will open me to see behind and they will come back and i even know which house we are going to live. but then there is ather things which i am not sure. soo i beleive dreams and it is not freacky stuff and should be listen to it..
    thank, Hajira

  • Hey:)
    For me it is a normal thing as long as i can remember my life i always have a dream not very clear but clear and then it happens, and sometimes some of them in a couple of years and not only in my life but onather peaple some i know some i do'nt. some times i do'nt get what it means and then it happens then i'm like yes yes now i got it. to name some of them, i hade a dream the man i am going to merry and i had a dream the children we going to have and their gender and that we going to get divorce and i am going to move another country, and gonna have another child and it was she and i need her and she needs me and she is going to be a fames singer and gitarist, and i am going to lose my other three children and it is a test and it will open me to see behind and they will come back and i even know which house we are going to live. but then there is ather things which i am not sure. soo i beleive dreams and it is not freacky stuff and should be listen to it..
    thank, Hajira

  • I have several really awful dreams come true. I have always woken from these dreams feeling dire but somehow feeling I know this is going to happen. I dreamt of my fathers death in amazing detail even dreaming what shirt my then college teacher was wearing on my return and a photograph I noticed on a desk (had not previously been in his office)

    I also dreamt about an ambulance stopping with blue lights flashing I could see it was a friend who had no reported health problems, the next day she had a stroke and was rushed to hospital. I once dreamt the winner of a horserace.
    The most bizarre dream was the night before I was due to run a treasure map at a Christmas Fayre. In the dream a man I didnt know came up to me and said I am going to get in your head. Something frightened me about his eyes, he chose the correct position. The next day I looked up and saw this man stood there, I began to shake ......guess what he used those same words and picked the correct spot. I was left shaking, I must have gone pale for he asked whether I was ok as I looked like I had seen a ghost.

  • I have several really awful dreams come true. I have always woken from these dreams feeling dire but somehow feeling I know this is going to happen. I dreamt of my fathers death in amazing detail even dreaming what shirt my then college teacher was wearing on my return and a photograph I noticed on a desk (had not previously been in his office)

    I also dreamt about an ambulance stopping with blue lights flashing I could see it was a friend who had no reported health problems, the next day she had a stroke and was rushed to hospital. I once dreamt the winner of a horserace.
    The most bizarre dream was the night before I was due to run a treasure map at a Christmas Fayre. In the dream a man I didnt know came up to me and said I am going to get in your head. Something frightened me about his eyes, he chose the correct position. The next day I looked up and saw this man stood there, I began to shake ......guess what he used those same words and picked the correct spot. I was left shaking, I must have gone pale for he asked whether I was ok as I looked like I had seen a ghost.

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  • Hi
    I was wondering if someone could give me some insight into what is happening with me.
    I have been having dreams of random everyday things and after about two weeks they all started coming true. When i am in the situation of the dream being reality I start to feel a feeling of dread and sickness mixed with deja vu it is very intense and sometimes makes me black out for a second or two. Then it just passes and another will happen again anything from 30mins to a day or two later. When it starts to happen i can say excatly what is going to happen next and the feelings build and build and get more intense. Sometimes I feel like i am going to throw up or pass out. But the worst that happens is that i blck out for a couple seconds. Then it will just stop for a year or two and start happening again.
    Any idea????

  • Hi
    I was wondering if someone could give me some insight into what is happening with me.
    I have been having dreams of random everyday things and after about two weeks they all started coming true. When i am in the situation of the dream being reality I start to feel a feeling of dread and sickness mixed with deja vu it is very intense and sometimes makes me black out for a second or two. Then it just passes and another will happen again anything from 30mins to a day or two later. When it starts to happen i can say excatly what is going to happen next and the feelings build and build and get more intense. Sometimes I feel like i am going to throw up or pass out. But the worst that happens is that i blck out for a couple seconds. Then it will just stop for a year or two and start happening again.
    Any idea????

  • 2 years ago, i have seen my brother dying in a hospital in my dream. i told the same to my husband and he told its just a dream, and need not worry about it. 45 days later i have seen the same situation in real. same hospital, same rooms, only difference was the dress he wore. i lost my brother, my only sibling. now after 22 months...i had a dream 2 days back in which i've seen my father dying. all my people were there in the dream except my brother . i really dont understand what to do now. when i shared the same with my husband, he told me not to sleep for long in the mornings as there is a myth which goes on like..."morning dreams come true". previously i had many dreams which came true.

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