6 Reasons Why Speaking Out Can Help Release Pressure

As Thomas Carlyle once said, “No pressure, no diamonds.”

Indeed, pressure plays a vital role in life. It serves as an obstacle, a challenge that forces each one of us to improve, develop, and grow.

However, when you let pressure pile up unchecked and unanswered, it will cease being a challenge and start being a real problem that will inevitably take its toll on your body and mind.

Work is one of the many pressure-riddled aspects of anyone’s life.

Uncooperative colleagues, office politics, supplier mixups, and clients that are difficult to deal with are just some of the common problems people usually face at work.

When you let these pressure build up at work, it will lead to performance issues and productivity slumps that will significantly hurt your chances at going up the corporate ladder or even worse, ruin your career. 

It’s time to take charge.

Stop letting work pressure push you around. Most of the time, the cause of work pressure can be effectively handled at the onset by speaking out. Read on and find out six benefits of speaking out that can help release pressure at work and even discover ways to fast track your career.

1. Clear communication is essential at work

From fostering great relationship with family and friends to dealing with coworkers and clients, clear communication is essential. It removes ambiguity and makes sure everyone is on the same page.

Speaking out imposes clear communication. It allows everyone to learn of your intent, issues, and suggestions clearly, which can lead to better resolutions or a great outcome.

This is critical, especially at work since a smooth-flowing operation heavily relies on details.

To avoid pressure due to work-related mistakes and misunderstandings, don’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to speak up.

2. Better working relationships

Sometimes, speaking out may mean you’re speaking for somebody else. Not everyone has the heart to speak out in fear of indirect backlash or being deemed brash and forceful by the people at the office. By speaking out, you’re effectively fostering a better work relationship with your colleagues. After all, friends make work a lot easier.

Some of the benefits of speaking out is how it injects a dose of confidence in your peers who are unable or unwilling to speak out for themselves.

By being vocal about your thoughts, you’re subtly encouraging your work mates to speak out for themselves. The people at the office will eventually thank you, and love you, for it.

Great friendship and working relationship will help in reducing pressure in a significant way.

3. Respecting yourself

Speaking out means you’re setting clear boundaries on what’s best for you, your career, and your health. Being honest is a great way to reassure yourself of the self-respect you deserve.

Remember, you can only handle so much. By speaking out and being honest about it, you’re boosting your self image, helping your career grow, and keeping your health from sliding down.

Even better, speaking out makes people respect you. It’s one of the great benefits of communication at work. A person who knows his abilities, limitations and knows how to assert himself is a person that will be admired and respected by everybody.

Speaking saves you from imposing pressure on yourself.

4. Silence may mean “yes”

Failing to speak up may lead to manipulative bosses and opportunistic colleagues who are assuming that you’re agreeing to what could be unreasonable demands and demeaning proposals.

By keeping your mouth shut, you’re allowing these people to have their way without any semblance of resistance, which may lead to them repeating their behavior over and over until your body can’t keep up anymore and your career suffers.

By speaking your mind, you’re stopping any untoward behavior and you manage to release some of the pressure you feel at work.

5. Show passion and concern

Speaking shows your passion and concern towards work. Communicating your thoughts shows you’re concerned with any matter at hand.

People who appreciate passion isn’t confined inside the four corners of the office, passion gets the attention of supervisors, HR people, and even the top management as well.

Passion speaks volumes, it shows in your actions and it resonates among colleagues. It motivates them.

Speaking up brings out this dormant passion out.

A big bonus: communicating clearly for faster promotion is definitely a great idea. Getting promoted will essentially handle most of your finance-related pressure as well. A win-win for you and your workplace.

6. Keep everyone informed

There are a lot of unnoticed work issues that requires a person empathic enough to speak out and alert everybody of the problem before it goes out of hand.

This maybe a faulty machine, an operations loophole, or ill-will among colleagues but by refusing to speak out, you’re effectively letting this problem continue until it becomes a costly and difficult situation to handle. Turning a blind eye will only incur grudge from people and might treat you like you’re the one who instigated the problem in the first place.

This kind of pressure is avoidable and something you don’t deserve.

Most of the problems at work can be attributed to poor communication.

By speaking out, you’re reducing pressure at work that can gnaw and haunt your career if you left it unaddressed. One of the benefits of communication at work is that it eases up the work process and keeps everyone on good terms at the same time. Keeping this up means you’re keeping the pressure down.

Considering that half of our lives will be spent at work and with workmates, it’s necessary that you deal with work-related problems and find ways to release pressure at work as soon as you can.

Speak out.

Let your voice be heard.

Let your intentions be known.

That’s how you achieve clear and effective communication.

That’s how you can release pressure.

Most people think that learning is the key to self-development.

It’s how we were raised – when we were young, we studied algebra, read history, and memorized the names of elements on the periodic table.

But once you grow up and experience life, you realize that you can’t ‘learn’ certain things – like personal growth.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley and New York Times Bestselling author, discovered that the key to self-development was not to ‘learn’, but rather, to ‘transform’.

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