The Law Of Attraction: How to Get Unstuck and Start Manifesting

For anyone new to the law of attraction, the biggest question is usually about how to do it right.

There’s a lot of information out there these days about the law of attraction, positive thinking, and manifesting your desires. Still, there are plenty of people ‘working’ these energies who still don’t feel like they’re ‘getting’ anywhere – or anything – that they’re wanting.

Are you one of these people? If you are, then please read on.

There are 4 things you need to understand if you want to harness the law of attraction.

1. You’re Doing it All the Time

If you don’t know this already, let me point out that you ARE–all the time–living in and working with the Law of Attraction. Your thoughts, feelings, and focus attract to you more of the same. The problem is if you’re not consciously choosing and directing your thoughts, feelings, and focus, then you’re attracting by ‘default.’

So if you’re not liking what’s showing up in your life, then the first thing you need to do is break your mind.

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2. ‘Break’ your Mind

I never liked the way the equestrian world refers to training horses as ‘breaking’ them. I understand ‘breaking in’ a new pair of shoes or jeans, but this ‘breaking the will’ of a wild animal has always felt wrong to me. But then again, I’m not an equestrian, and horses are magnificently powerful and potentially dangerous animals. So I’ll leave the horse-jargon to those who know better.

BUT… when it comes to the MIND (specifically, the hyper-developed, ego-driven Monkey Mind), this idea of ‘breaking’ is ideal.

Why? Because the monkey mind that goes on unconscious tangents of worry, doubt, criticism, and fear are wildly out of control. AND, it’s the primary block that’s keeping you from consciously working the Law of Attraction.

Bringing awareness to your subconscious habits of thought and then immediately changing the subject when what you’re thinking isn’t what you want, is the mental/spiritual equivalent of ‘breaking’ a horse. It is the act of putting the wild, uncontrolled mind into the service of the higher self.

How do you build your ability to do it? You can practice stopping what you’re doing every 30 minutes or so and bring all your attention to what you’re thinking about. Observe, become aware, become mindful of your tendencies of thought.

Do you tend to worry a lot? Do you rehash old dramas? Do you let your mind flit about in nonsense?

These insights will tell you a lot about yourself and how to redirect your thinking.

3. Follow Your Gut

Once you start to get the hang of this conscious awareness thing, you’ll be much more able to distinguish between mental chatter and intuitive guidance.

Those ‘gut’ instincts are what you want to listen to. However, as long as your monkey mind is in control and makin’ a ruckus, it’s hard to hear and feel what your wiser self is trying to tell you.

So silence the din! Once you do, then you’ll be able to effectively.

4. Take Action

Taking action on inner guidance you can trust is the key to change. It may feel scary or even silly sometimes, but when you feel that true “Yes!” about something, hesitating is the last thing you want to do!

Maybe your gut tells you to go out to do errands when you planned to stay inside. You go out, run into an old friend who happens to know someone who has just the thing (knowledge, a job, the perfect date) that you’ve wanted to attract.

You can’t know exactly HOW you’re going to get what you’re wanting. Many times, the results of consciously working the law of attraction arrive in ways we couldn’t possibly have imagined. This is why the action you take based on your gut instincts rather than on rationalized, over-analyzed ‘choices’ is so important.

View Comments

  • Dear Dawn - this "hit" home - I've so much to learn - and so many ways to grow and change - can't say it will be a quick transformation - but I'm trying - want to change - have to change - have to adapt to life as an "older" woman - who is still reaching out - trying to find out who she really is and where she is going in life! Lucia

  • I have managed to control the busyness of my mind but how can we help others when they don't believe in Mind control?

  • I have discovered that it;s not only the thoughts which keep me from being more in tune and conscious.
    It's diet, routines, habits, religeon, etc. as well.
    I have many habitual tendencies and an addictive nature. I also fall into dependency alot of the time.
    For mama mia...I love it!
    Once I "broke" that habit, what a difference in my thoughts! My diet followed. A former meat and potatoes, white bread, carb a vegan vegetarian! HOLY COW! If you could only feel the energy that surged through me from that shift!
    What I'm trying to say is that everything is connected and I believe the key to "breaking" the cycles is desire. When you reach a point and say..."I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"...anything and everything can doesn't have to reach that point with stress. One can choose right NOW to say "that's it...that's enough!!!"....and then do the necessary work.
    I'm not saying it will fix everything and it certainly is not easy...but it is well worth it.

  • I have discovered that it;s not only the thoughts which keep me from being more in tune and conscious.
    It's diet, routines, habits, religeon, etc. as well.
    I have many habitual tendencies and an addictive nature. I also fall into dependency alot of the time.
    For mama mia...I love it!
    Once I "broke" that habit, what a difference in my thoughts! My diet followed. A former meat and potatoes, white bread, carb a vegan vegetarian! HOLY COW! If you could only feel the energy that surged through me from that shift!
    What I'm trying to say is that everything is connected and I believe the key to "breaking" the cycles is desire. When you reach a point and say..."I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"...anything and everything can doesn't have to reach that point with stress. One can choose right NOW to say "that's it...that's enough!!!"....and then do the necessary work.
    I'm not saying it will fix everything and it certainly is not easy...but it is well worth it.

  • I have been working on this specifically recently. My previous 20 years have been fraught with ups and downs. I have had friends tell me I should be in the food biz for years. I am not sure when (and in the past would have said let's "cancel" on the how part) the money will manifest this idea I have to sell salsa and give back to the community in a big way, meaning the bigger we grow the more we give back, but I feel I am on the right path! It has been amazing the positive responses I have gotten since I started the ball rolling toward my REAL passion. Cannot wait to see the results from the changes I am making and have made regarding my thinking. Look forward to my continuing my passage toward enlightenment and prosperity!

  • I have been working on this specifically recently. My previous 20 years have been fraught with ups and downs. I have had friends tell me I should be in the food biz for years. I am not sure when (and in the past would have said let's "cancel" on the how part) the money will manifest this idea I have to sell salsa and give back to the community in a big way, meaning the bigger we grow the more we give back, but I feel I am on the right path! It has been amazing the positive responses I have gotten since I started the ball rolling toward my REAL passion. Cannot wait to see the results from the changes I am making and have made regarding my thinking. Look forward to my continuing my passage toward enlightenment and prosperity!

  • I think that breaking the mind is a very good way of controlling negative thoughts. After listening to Abraham Hick's Pivoting process I am getting much better at this control. When I start thinking negatively now I stop and then tell myself that I don't want these thoughts I want to feel good and the negative chain of thought is immediately broken and I return to my better feeling self.

  • Quieting the mind is really not necessary in order to follow your Heart or intuition....the mind is a wonderful tool and designed perfectly. One only has to train it to listen to you, And know that it only ever asks questions about the chatter you it through choice. Until you know the difference and the two sources are merged, don't believe your thought's unless they lead you to peace and more love....

  • it is very very encouraging points and will work on these points with a positive appraoch /low of attraction practice.

    Thanks for yr continued mails with a very nice philosophy which is very surprise to know .

    with best wishes + prayers.

    Rasheed/ calicut. kerala. India.

  • it is very very encouraging points and will work on these points with a positive appraoch /low of attraction practice.

    Thanks for yr continued mails with a very nice philosophy which is very surprise to know .

    with best wishes + prayers.

    Rasheed/ calicut. kerala. India.

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