Let Your Freak Flag Fly! – Manifesting Life On Your Terms

Last week, in a response to a Facebook friend, I wrote ‘blessed are the weirdos’. Our dialogue has since triggered some deep thought that I want to share in this post. It’s about manifesting life on your terms, and friends – there’s no better time than right now …

Blessed Are the Weirdos

by Dawn DelVecchio

“Blessed are the weirdos” I say. Blessed are those of us who were ostracized, demonized and separated out as ‘different’ than the norm. Blessed are all those whose gentle souls could not and can not suffer the face of war, hate, petty tyranny, vengeance, cliquish groups, toxic foods, racist, sexist and classist oppression, natural resource pillaging and nonsense politicking.

As a child I, like so many now awakening, was given derogatory monikers like ‘weirdo,’ ‘freak’, ‘strange’ and ‘difficult non-conformist’ by peers, teachers and even some family members. Fortunately I found an occasional ‘freak’ like me here and there as I grew. Still, it wasn’t an easy road back then. And for many still, the road remains difficult, with conformity in the name of ‘normalcy’ encroaching into even our most intimate spaces.

It would have been an easier childhood and young adulthood if I could have fit in. But today, I think otherwise. No matter the ostracizing, bullying, and over-self-consciousness I went through, I wouldn’t change one darn thing about me then – or now.

Now, I’m the one feeling free, without fear, full of hope and clarity of mind – at a time that may well be the beginnings of our planet’s greatest darkness. Why? Because I – we – know the truth of who we are. We freaks and weirdos with hearts of compassion are, in fact, the way showers. And it is we who will guide humanity back to the light of a greater sanity.

Had we been ‘normal’, we’d now be lost in a miasma of fear, a la-la land of TV stupor, or prescription drug pain. Blessed are we, the ‘weirdos’ I say, for those who labeled us such have only done so from a place of fear, ignorance and the deep sleep of an enslaved consciousness.

If you resonate with what I’m saying, know that you are a part of the ever-growing group of people healing themselves for the betterment of all. You are on a journey which is much, much larger than your personal ‘stuff’. It’s a journey that will aid the entire human race and moreso – the entire Earth.

Know that all you do in an effort to grow yourself spiritually, mentally and physically serves the greater good because when you are happy, worry-free, healthy and whole, you bring that gift to all others.

So as my favorite astrologer, Benjamin Bernstein likes to say, “let your freak flag fly” brothers and sisters! Know your are blessed and let the power of YOU heal all!

Does this message ‘speak’ to you? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below :)

Many blessings,

Dawn DelVecchio is the author of our sister blog, The Healers Way. The mission of the Healer’s Way is to be a resource for healers and all others. This healing community of over 25,000 healers engage in dialogues to explore the latest information on alternative healing, energy healing, and the healing of humanity.

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  • Thanks for the article, but for some it's not easy to just let your freak flag fly.  Seriously, if I did, I would probably get killed by people who wouldn't even take the time to try to understand me.  I've come to terms with who I am, and I even love who I am, and so do my friends.  But it's so difficult to manifest life on my own terms when I'm not living in a society that could handle it (most other societies in the world would also not accept me).  I don't mean to be a downer, but it's just so frustrating that it feels like there is no solution that could possibly work.

  • I love this Dawn. I can totally relate! You are absolutely right. As we learn and grow we light the way for others to feel the joy we feel. It's a great feeling! As Max Yasgur said at Woodstock, "I God bless you for it!" ha ha

  • oh yea i am a freak and in High School in our Year Book they made a new item , Class Freak , just for me and of course i won it along with Frank a clever boffin . I am PRO-PEACE, I was against the Vietnam War or all these wars for that matter , and i was called a comi pinko cause in the 70's they were fighting against their own children just because we wanted PEACE and we wanted our guys brought home safe , but after they killed Kenedy it lasted 10 more years . It sounds like history is repeating itself and humans do not learn from their mistakes , DO THEY! It is Shameful , with all the damage human kind are doing to Mother Earth and our wildlife, air & water , i mean really who is the Freaks???????? PRO-PEACE! x

  • Being eccentric is really cool when you own it. Eccentrics have always been my favorite people and I'm proud to say I've become one! Thanks for your inspiration oh Visionary One:))))

  • Hello, hello!!!!! I'm a freak who spent most of or at least a good part of my adult life trying to "fit" in. As of May 5th of this year I have for 25 years let my freak flag fly! I'm doing what I always wanted to do when I was a young lad. I'm a male babysitter and home body man! I cook, bake, sew, garden, raise rabbits and still have time to take care of other peoples children. No I'm not married and I do not have any female help. And who says a man can't do these things. Everyone thought I was a ...well I won't say what they thought of me. No I'm not gay either. Two marriages and six kids!! 62 years old and freak'en happy as hell!!

  • Right Arm!
    Full on you are.
    In this world of the walking dead, it is good to know we who still struggle to remember,
    are not alone bu aret allone.

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