4 Vital Law Of Attraction Rules (Have You Been Following Them?)

Want to know how to manifest what you want easily and powerfully?

If you follow the rules in a special law of attraction method, you can not only quickly raise your vibration but also open doors to greater creativity, improve your health, give you more happiness, and increase your abundance.

The method is called the noble question technique. The questions we ask shape our lives. Once you learn how to ask yourself “noble questions,” you can quickly begin to design the life of your dreams.

For example, some of your noble questions may include:

  • How can I make this a great day?
  • What steps can I take to bring even more joy into this present moment?
  • How can I use this opportunity to discover more of who I am?
  • What ideas am I hiding from myself, that once revealed, will bring me even greater happiness?
  • What miracles are going to come into my life today?
  • Whose life can I make even better?

 The Truth Behind Law Of Attraction

If you have been studying any of the Law of Attraction principles, you would have learned that we are connected to a higher universal source that loves us, and as we command (with clear focus, intention and high vibration), so shall we receive.

And yet so many of us create our visions, speak our affirmations, state our intentions, and then go about our days wondering why things are not getting better.

If you knew that every question you asked would get an answer, would you not be more careful about the questions you asked? And would you not invest more time in the asking?

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By following a few simple rules, you can begin to utilize the noble question technique to improve your life in ways you may not yet know how to imagine.

The 4 Law of Attraction Rules

Law of Attraction Rule #1

Only ask questions that contain answers that help you get to where you want to go. Never ask questions to help you understand why you have failed or why you are stuck.

Remember that you will always receive the answer to the questions you ask. Do you really want to know why you are stuck, or would you prefer to know what steps to take to walk into greater freedom?

Do you want to understand why you suffer, or would you instead want to learn what steps to take to bring more celebration and joy into your life? Ask questions whose direct answers move you into the life you intend.

For example:

“What steps can I take to bring even greater abundance into my life?”
“Who is going to enter my life today that can provide me with the tools I need?”

Law of Attraction Rule #2

Always indicate in your question that you are already successful and are looking for even greater success. For example:

“How can I share even more of my beauty with the world?”

“What additional steps can I take to access even more of my inherent genius?”

Within this rule, we are activating the power of “act as if.” Even though you may not yet be where you intend to go, you are on the journey and are already enjoying some level of success.

If you have access to the internet and food, you are abundant. If you are breathing, moving, and connecting – you are enjoying a fair amount of health.

As you create questions that already contain an acknowledgment of success, you are also automatically tapping into a state of gratitude which is a vibration raiser on its own right.

Law of Attraction Rule #3

Include action in your questions. For example:

“In what ways can I allow myself to open to receive even more support from the world around me?”
“In what ways can I be of even greater service?”

To manifest the life of our dreams, we must act. Look for the steps you can take and look for ways that you can open to receive more (for receiving is also an action).

Remember that action does not mean you aren’t enjoying yourself. Make your work your play, and you will awaken each morning excited for all the day will bring.

Law of Attraction Rule #4

Do not consciously attempt to answer the questions and stay open to receive them in whichever way they appear.

Remember that every question you ask is answered and that it is not your job to consciously come up with the answer.  It is simply your task to formulate the questions, to put them out there and then to be available to receive the answer in whatever way it materializes.

Sometimes the answer will pop into your head, and sometimes it will show up in casual conversation with the person in front of you in the grocery store. Occasionally it will ease into your space so quietly that it is only until afterward that you realize that the question has already been answered.

Just remember that every question receives an answer. If you believe you haven’t received an answer, it is because you aren’t paying attention. Which is okay – just keep asking the questions, stay open to the answers, and always practice having fun with the process.

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