I tried to learn how to code and failed. Twice. It’s a funny story actually. Several years back, I decided to learn how to code with the idea that in order to become an entrepreneur, coding will come useful, especially in the beginning when you don’t have enough capital to hire developers. So my journey of becoming a coder began. At first, I paid a subscription on a monthly basis. The first couple of months…
Pranayama — simply translated means the extension of breath. It is arguably the most powerful force in the universe, because it is the one thing we actually need to survive. Yet although breathing is the most essential and powerful force we know, we pay very little attention to it. If…
There are over 7 billion people in the world. A single trait sets a small handful apart; celebrated and emulated individuals have earned something more valuable than gold. Aretha Franklin knows the answer— R.E.S.P.E.C.T. You can command obedience, you can cause fear, you can buy services, but respect?—You’ve…