


Terry Tillman’s back! He’s a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and an amazing inspiration to many. That’s why I’m pretty excited to share the article below with you.

Remember those scenes in Avatar, when the people of Pandora would look each other in the eye and say, “I see you“? Well, once you read this article, you’ll realize that these three little words take on a much deeper meaning and is part of an amazing tradition and greeting that you can use today to feel more connected.

Read on. This greeting is spectacular and reminds us that we are all connected.

Connecting To The Soul

By Terry Tilman

After reading a piece I wrote about “Pandora and Nave—Are They Real?” Vishen asked me to write something about a particular part of the movie Avatar that most people probably thought insignificant and that he and I knew wasn’t.

Ok, here’s a little something.

This is A (good) solution. Not THE (only) solution. Solution to what? Read on…

About 20 years ago I was on a safari in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda). As we traveled through the villages and Serengeti savanna I noticed a recurring event. When one of the indigenous people would approach another, they would pause, face each other, look directly in each others eyes for 5 -15 seconds, say something and then continue on their way. This would happen in populated villages and in very remote areas where there may be only one human every 20 square miles.