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Simply put, the old-fashioned sit-in-a-pew-and-listen method of faith just ain’t flying with today’s 20-something year olds. And on top of that the whole religious faith is falling farther and farther away from the values and realities of today’s youth.

Despite what religious people may say, there’s still a lack of representation of women in Church, individuality is played down while collectivism is valued, and homophobia still runs rampant with the congregation.

So unless they pull a Madonna and revamp their whole image, it’s going to be tough to convince Generation Y that going to church will be worth their time. Although there are still many people supporting their church y giving out donations since there are many people who aren’t attending church anymore. If you don’t have cash to donate while at church, then you should text in church, but not to start sending messages but by donating online.

Check out the article below from the Root for more stats and studies. Neat stuff. And as always, drop a comment below. Let’s get the discussion rolling.

Are Millennials Losing Faith?

Why so many Gen Yers are abandoning the church.

By Brandee Sanders for the Root

Sunday morning rolls around again, and I get the early wakeup call from my father. “Get up, Brandee. Get ready for church.” My first thought is to go right back to sleep, because I don’t want to go. It’s not a case of Sunday-morning laziness; I’d just rather not be there, and according to a study conducted earlier this year by the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 agree with me.

Positive affirmations are positive statements that you exclaim everyday to manifest in your daily life. Lot’s of people use it to start the day or to get what they want. But for some, these affirmations don’t do anything more than create unfulfilled desires. If this sounds familiar and you find positive affirmations don’t really work for you, Noah St. John is about to share with you his 4-step process of Positive Afformation to turn this…

Editor’s Note: Back by popular demand, Paul Hoffman is here to share an amazing article about creative guidance for success. Using meditation, music, and visualization, anyone can discover the power of their creative spirit.

Paul is also giving away 2 free amazing audio tracks that combine growth and fun (and some dancing) together for joyful and effortless personal creation. You’ll love these tracks so much, I bet you’ll listen to them on loop.

Connect To Your Creative Spirit Through Music, Visualization and Meditation

By Paul Hoffman of Success Songs

The world is but a canvas to the imagination. — Henry David Thoreau

The great OM of life, that natural willingness for you to open your soul to what is seeking to be expressed comes from a committed consciousness that is developed by learning how to master your mind. It is in those moments of curious inflection that the call of your soul speaks loudest so that you hear the calling of your heart.

Each day you are on an adventure. The discoverer in you is seeking to cross the bridges of possibility so that the opportunity to live life from your higher purpose ignites a passion in you to step out of the shadows of uncertainty and into the light of flowness. Your Creative Flow!!!

So What Is Creativity?

Creativity is the messenger of imagination, the kindred spirit of inspiration, the guiding light of unlimited ideas and the energetic vibration that encourages you to flow and go.

It seems we get a lot of dating advice (often unsolicited) from friends, family, and even strangers. And most of the time it’s either useless, out of context, or just based on one person’s personal experience.

Well, here’s something totally different for a change. Meet Liz Leia, a dating guru for men. She started as an editor for Sean Stephenson’s Inner Game Magazine and now coaches men on attraction.

Check out the article by her below and as always, drop a comment. Would love to hear your thoughts on what she has to say about leadership myths.

Leaders and Followers
By Liz Leia

Most of us are afraid to truly lead. We feel like it’s much easier to follow, to let someone else take charge. Actually, leading is not as difficult as it seems—once you let go of the belief that it involves controlling others.

It’s impossible to control other people. Even in extreme situations, like if you held a gun to someone’s head, that person would still have a choice between complying with your request and getting shot.

When someone wants to follow your lead, it’s a very different dynamic. Take you, for example. You don’t follow the FinerMinds blog because Vishen or anyone else is making you; you’re doing it because you want to—there’s value in it for you.

Terry Tillman’s back! He’s a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and an amazing inspiration to many. That’s why I’m pretty excited to share the article below with you.

Remember those scenes in Avatar, when the people of Pandora would look each other in the eye and say, “I see you“? Well, once you read this article, you’ll realize that these three little words take on a much deeper meaning and is part of an amazing tradition and greeting that you can use today to feel more connected.

Read on. This greeting is spectacular and reminds us that we are all connected.

Connecting To The Soul

By Terry Tilman

After reading a piece I wrote about “Pandora and Nave—Are They Real?” Vishen asked me to write something about a particular part of the movie Avatar that most people probably thought insignificant and that he and I knew wasn’t.

Ok, here’s a little something.

This is A (good) solution. Not THE (only) solution. Solution to what? Read on…

About 20 years ago I was on a safari in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda). As we traveled through the villages and Serengeti savanna I noticed a recurring event. When one of the indigenous people would approach another, they would pause, face each other, look directly in each others eyes for 5 -15 seconds, say something and then continue on their way. This would happen in populated villages and in very remote areas where there may be only one human every 20 square miles.